1. Patient involvement in different phases of HTA
1.11. Patient involvement in synthesising
The concept of “synthesis” can be defined in different ways. In terms of synthesis in an HTA context the definition 'Synthesis is a combination of often different conceptual comparisons to form a whole (construction of an interpretation)' is the most comprehensive. This means that the parts to be synthesised are different and that it will be necessary to undertake weighing and interpretation.
The synthesis phase is clearly the part of an HTA with the greatest complexity and challenge, despite the fact that it has a central role in the HTA process. One of the reasons may be the particular interface for the HTA appraisal (recommendation) between science and policy, especially if there is a lack of knowledge about how HTA results are actually included in the basis for decisions or a lack of a clear and transparent methodological framework.
Patients can play an important role in synthesising data. Patients can make sure that the weighing of patient relevant elements is high.
For further information on synthesising please see HTA Course 2, HTA Bodies and Principles.