Member State Coordination Group on HTA (HTACG)

In this document, the term Coordination Group (CG) will be used to refer to the Member State Coordination Group on HTA 

The Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment is established in Article 3 of the HTAR. Member State representatives constitute the Coordination Group. This group is responsible for overseeing the work conducted by subgroups of national representatives for specific types of work (e.g. JSC, JCA, or methodological guidance documents). 

Establishment of the Coordination Group:

  • Member States are required to designate members to the CG and inform the European Commission of their chosen members and any subsequent changes. (Art. 3)

Establishment of the Subgroups:

  • Members of the Coordination Group appoint their respective members to the subgroups. These provide adequate expertise to conduct JSCs and JCAs. Each Member State shall have one vote in these subgroups.
  • Subgroup members appoint representatives with the necessary expertise on an ad hoc or permanent basis and inform the Commission of their appointment and any subsequent changes.

Leadership and Secretariat:

  • The Commission supports the work of the CG and acts as its secretariat (Article 28).

To guarantee the inclusivity and transparency of the joint work, the CG is required to actively engage and consult an appropriate range of stakeholder organisations and experts.