Horizon Scanning work according to the HTAR

Who: HS will be the responsibility of a designated subgroup established by the Coordination Group (Article 3(7(k)).

What: The HS subgroup will prepare reports on emerging health technologies expected to have a major impact on patients, public health, or healthcare systems. Reports must address the estimated clinical impact and the potential organisational and financial consequences of emerging health technologies for national healthcare systems (Article 22(1)). 

Where: Data will be routinely collected from clinical study registries, scientific reports, the European Medicines Agency, the Medical Device Coordination Group, health technology developers, members of the stakeholder network referred to in Article 29, and any other relevant experts (Article 22(2-3)). This may include individual patients. Once reports on emerging health technologies are drafted using the collected data, they will be incorporated into the EU HTA annual work programme and annual report (Article 6(3a)) and be made available to the general public via the publicly accessible webpage on the IT platform in anonymised, aggregated, non-confidential format (Article 30(3m)).