1. EudraVigilance

1.6. Public Access to EudraVigilance

The adrreport.eu web portal is the gateway to access information from EudraVigilance. This is of specific interest for stakeholder group II, i.e., healthcare professionals and the public.

Since as already mentioned not all data elements can be made available publicly, the following table gives an overview of data elements released for stakeholder group II and from which section of the database.

Table 3: Overview of accessible data elements for stakeholder group II (HCPs, public) and respective EudraVigilance sections and explanatory notes (adapted from EudraVigilance access policy and EudraVigilance User Manual for online access (Version 2.0))

Stakeholder Group II Healthcare Professionals and the Public

Access point:

  • Adrreports.eu portal

Content overview

  • Aggregated data outputs based on predefined queries
  • ICSR line listings (based on core ICSR data elements)
  • ICSR forms (for individual case review)

Section according to
ICH E2B(R3) ICSR Implementation Guide

Data element name

possible values

C.1 Identification of the Case Safety Report

Type of Report

“EudraVigilance Local Report Number”

classification of a report by sender (e.g., spontaneous report)

displayed as “EudraVigilance Local Report Number”

C.2.r Primary Source(s) of Information

Reporter’s Country Code

Qualification (reporter group)

Country code displayed as EEA or Non-EEA

Healthcare Professional (Physician, Pharmacist or Other HCP)

Non-Healthcare Professional (Lawyer, Consumer or Other non-HCP)

C.3 Information on Sender of Case Safety Report

Sender Type

Sender’s organisation

Displayed as e.g. "EEA Regulator" or “Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre”

C.4.r Literature Reference(s)

Literature Reference(s)


C.5 Study Identification

Study Registration Number

Study Name

Study Type Where Reaction(s) / Event(s) were Observed


D. Patient Characteristics

Patient Age Group (as per reporter)


Age group (mapped against “Age at Time of Onset of Reaction/Event”, based on the reported patient age or calculated based on difference between “Date of Birth” and “First Reaction Start Date”

Male/female/not specified

E.i Reaction(s)/event(s)

Reaction / Event (MedDRA codeE)


Results in Death

Life Threatening

Caused / Prolonged Hospitalisation

Disabling / Incapacitating

Congenital Anomaly / Birth Defect



Other Medically Important Condition (Non-Serious)

Suspected Reported Reaction (Preferred Term in MedDRA) (PT)

Reaction Group (System Organ Class in MedDRA) (SOC)

Any undesirable effect (suspected adverse reaction) reported by the reporter

e.g. Headache, Ear infection

e.g. Nervous system disorders

Duration of reaction / Event (number) Duration of Reaction / Event (unit)


Outcome of Reaction / Event at the Time of Last Observation



Not recovered/not resolved

Recovered/resolved with sequelae



Not specified

G.k Drug(s) information

Characterisation of Drug Role

Pharmaceutical Product Identifier (PhPID)

Medicinal Product Name as Reported by the Primary SourceF

Substance / Specified Substance NameF


G.k.4.r Dosage and Relevant Information

Dose (number

Dose (unit))

Number of Units in the Interval

Definition of the Time Interval Unit Duration of Drug Administration (number)

Duration of Drug Administration unit)

 Pharmaceutical Dose Form Term ID

Route of Administration Term ID

Parent Route of Administration Term ID


G.k.7.r Indication for Use in Case

Indication (MedDRA code)

Action(s) Taken with Drug


G.k.9.i Drug-reaction(s) / Event(s) Matrix

Did Reaction Recur on Re- administration?

Additional Information on Drug (coded



Users can search by defined parameters (e.g. product (medicines), active substance, reaction, age group, gender, time period)

There are ‘Download’ and ‘Print’ functions for search results. This might be a summary or individual reports based on defined data elements ensuring compliance with personal data protection legislation. Users are provided with clear guidance on interpretation of the data.

Of the presently 272 data elements per report, for stakeholder group II access will be granted to 53 of the data elements.

It also needs to be recognised that not all data elements of ICSRs are always completed. This means that although access is provided to certain data elements, information may not always be available given the type of the report or the primary source of the information.

Public access to aggregated EudraVigilance data: In November 2017 public access via www.adrreports.eu was further improved by providing additional outputs such as line listings and individual case report forms. By the end of 2019, the website provided information on a total of 3,724 active substances, of which 753 contained in centrally authorised products (CAPs) and 2,971 in nationally authorised products (NAPs).