Data Analysis and Real World Interrogation Network (DARWIN EU)
(content adapted from EMA website [1])
Further adaptation of the EU regulatory environment concerning the inclusion of Big Data obtained from RWD/RWE in regulatory procedures is ongoing. The HMA/EMA Big Data Task Force originally recommended developing ‘DARWIN EU’ (accd. to the EMA-HMA Big Data Steering Group workplan and the EMA network strategy to 2025 [2]). |
EMA is establishing a coordination centre (DARWIN EU®) the Data Analysis and Real- World Interrogation Network that will:
- Provide timely and reliable evidence on the use, safety and effectiveness of medicines for human use, including vaccines, from real world healthcare databases across the European Union (EU).
- Deliver real-world evidence from across Europe on diseases, populations and the uses and performance of medicines.
- Enable EMA and national competent authorities in the the European medicines regulatory network to use these data whenever needed throughout the lifecycle of a medicinal product.
- Support regulatory decision-making by:
- Establishing and expanding a catalogue of observational data sources for use in medicines regulation;
- Providing a source of high-quality, validated real world data on the uses, safety and efficacy of medicines;
- Addressing specific questions by carrying out high-quality, non-interventional studies, including developing scientific protocols, interrogating relevant data sources and interpreting and reporting study results.
- Connect the European medicines regulatory network to the European Commission's European Health Data Space (EHDS),
- Contribute to developing the EHDS to deliver European principles for the secondary use of health data, known as Towards European Health Data Space (TEHDAS).
- Act as an early flagship 'pathfinder' for the EHDS, to enable the exchange of healthcare data for use in healthcare delivery, policy-making and research across Europe, while fully complying with data protection requirements.
[1] EMA ‘Data Analysis and Real-World Interrogation Network (DARWIN EU)’.
[2] Big Data Steering Group Big Data Workplan 2022-2025.