1. Patient involvement in different phases of HTA

1.1. Forming the HTA questions: Policy and HTA

The formulation of the HTA questions is crucial for patients. The HTA questions will influence the choice of methods, assessment and synthesis. Therefore, it is important for patients to be included at this level.  The formulation takes place in the light of the expected decision situation, i.e. based on the knowledge of decision-makers, target group and stakeholders. Patients should be part of the stakeholder group who formulates the HTA question. This ensures that relevant aspects important to patients will be included in the assessment.

In the case that patients are not involved at this step they can lobby for greater transparency, the opportunity to provide input through public consultation or being directly consulted before the formulation of the HTA question.

HTA bodies need to make judgements about the added value of a new health technology given the available information (data). Data in this context can range from clinical research to patient experiences. Assessments of data will take place in the form of either qualitative or quantitative research approaches. More information about research approaches you can find in  HTA and Evaluation Methods Qualitative and HTA and Evaluation Methods Quantitative courses.

It is important to pay attention to research questions from previous HTA reports and other HTA literature and to avoid data simply being applied to the HTA project in question because the specific situation, target group, disease stage or other aspects may differ. Patients can critically evaluate whether prior HTA data is applicable to their current situation or require new evidence to be sought.