Trial Participants: Informed Consent, GCP, Patient Involvement
3. How Are Patients Informed About A Trial?
- Doctors in clinics or hospitals.
- Pharmacies.
- Advertisement.
- Social media.
- Recruitment agencies.
- Pharmaceutical company website.
- Clinical trial website.
- Clinical trial registries (e.g. EUCTR).
- Patient organisations.
The methods used to advertise clinical trials are controlled by legislation.
Advertising is used by pharmaceutical companies and research organisations to recruit for clinical trials, and employ a range of techniques to advertise their trials. In recent years there has been a move away from traditional print based methods, such as posters in doctors’ offices, towards the use of digital tools. These new tools range from dedicated clinical trial recruitment websites, EUCTR (EU clinical trials register), to social media sites.
Trial organisers will also seek potential participants via information provided through many sources such as patient organisations, pharmacies and clinical trial registries.